2/15 – present: Senior Fellow, Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization
2/18 - present: Adjunct Professor, Department of Government, American University
2014: President, National Security Enterprise (later, Daniel Morgan Graduate School, DMGS), Academic Dean, Daniel Morgan Academy (later, DMGS)
5/1992– 12/13: Professor of Politics and Culture and Director, Center for Culture and Security (2011-2013); Research Professor of Politics and Culture (1992-2011), Institute of World Politics
2/10 – 8/10: Instructor, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air University; Adjunct Professor, National Defense University; Adjunct Professor, Center for Advanced Strategic Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology
2/03 – 5/05: Visiting Professor of Political Science, St. Mary’s College of Maryland;
8/02 – 2/03: Associate Director, Center for Democracy and Election Management, American University
1992 – 8/02: Director of Programs for Europe and Asia (1992-99), Vice President for Programs (1999-2002), International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES); Adjunct Professor (1993-2002), George Washington University; Adjunct Professor (1992) American University; (1991-93) Adjunct Professor, The Johns Hopkins University
9/1988 - 91: Vice President (90-91); Executive Director (88-91), National Forum Foundation (later part of Freedom House)
1988: Senior Policy Analyst (1981-87), Visiting Fellow (1988), Heritage Foundation; Consultant on International Affairs to the Secretary, Department of the Interior
1981 ‑ 1987: Senior Policy Analyst, Heritage Foundation
1980 ‑ 1981: Research Fellow, Institute for Humane Studies
1979 ‑ 1980: Visiting Scholar and Earhart Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University
1977 ‑ 1979: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Emory University
1973 - 1974: Instructor, Roosevelt University; Instructor, University of Indiana/Gary
1973: Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago