An Idea Betrayed: Jews, Liberalism, and the American Left (Academica Press, March 2023)
The Utopian Conceit and the War on Freedom (Academica Press, 2019)
The Art of Peace: Engaging a Complex World (Routledge Publishers, 2016)
Notes From the Other Side of Night, with new introduction by the author (Transaction Publishers, 2013). Originally published by Regnery/Gateway, 1979; translated into Romanian, Dincolo De Cortina Noptii (Editura de Vest, Timisoara, 1993). Reprinted in paperback by the University Press of America, May 1994.
Soulmates: Resurrecting Eve (Transaction Publishers, 2012)
Cultural Intelligence for Winning the Peace, editor and contributor (IWP Press, 2009)
Why America is Such a Hard Sell: Beyond Pride and Prejudice (Rowan & Littlefield, 2007)
Every Vote Counts:The Role of Elections in Building Democracy, co-editor with Richard Soudriette (University Press of America, 2007)
The Bloody Flag: Post Communist Nationalism in Eastern Europe: Spotlight on Romania (Bowling Green Ohio: Social Philosophy and Policy Center, 1992)
Citizenship, Governance, and Participation: Your role in Civil Society of the XXI Century (co-author; IFES, 2002, 2003, 2004, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan). Published in Kyrgyz, Kazak, Russian, Tajik and Uzbek. Adaptations and selections published in Romanian, Armenian, Azeri)
Ironic Points of Light – An Anthology (Tallin, Estonia: Jaan Tonnisson Institute, 1998) Published in Estonian and Russian.
PLO Manipulation of the U.N. and United States Policy, Issues Report, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA, Vol.1, No.1), March 1990
The U.N.: Assessing Soviet Abuses, with Ralph K. Bennett, Institute for European Defence & Strategic Studies, London, 1988
The Global Revolution and the Need for Civic Education in the Former Soviet Bloc (IFES, 1995). Published in English, Ukrainian, and Russian.